domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020

Lunes 11/05/2020 LITERACY 6º

Good morning 6th grade!

Did you have a good weekend? I hope so. 

Let's start working. As you all know, we have been working on Albert Einstein's biography. Last thursday you even completed a graphic organiser about his life and you did a time-line with the information you got from many sources (the book, the video and a website).

Now I want you to do something similar, but this time, you choose the person. Your first task is to think about someone you really really admire. If you do not know, maybe you can think about the think you most like (a sport, a film, a book, playing an instrument...) and choose a person related to that. Or you can think about a discovery or event in history and pick someone who participated in it. You can even choose someone you know (a family member, a friend...). It is your choice!

Take your time for choosing the person. When you know who you want to work about, you have to start investigating about him or her. Read his or her biography at different websites, watch videos that give you information about this person...

Are you now an expert in that person's life? Good! Because now you have to create his or her time-line (in your notebook).

When you finish with the time-line, you have to use the same graphic organiser that we used with Albert Einstein, but now, you have to fill it with information about the person you have selected.

And, since you have worked a lot, you can relax with a new episode of Survivor:

Did you like it? Did you understand everything? Let's see! Answer the following questions!

Remember, this is what you have to do:

  1. Select a person that you admire.
  2. Investigate about him or her.
  3. Write this person's time-line.
  4. Complete the graphic organiser with the information about the person you chose.
  5. Listen to survivor 5.
  6. Answer the questions about survivor 5.

That's all for today! Have fun selecting the person you admire!

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