miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Jueves 07/05/2020 LITERACY 6º

Good morning everyone!

I hope you and your families continue well. 

Today, we are going to continue working with Albert Einstein's biography, but in a different way. We have already finished reading the book "Odd boy out" which explained Einstein's life, specially his early years. Today, we are going to start by watching a video about his life. Pay attention, because the video will stop and ask you questions!

Now that you know a little bit more about this character, you are going to do two different activities about him. Firts, you are going to create his time-line. You have done time-lines before in science and Spanish language, so it will not be difficult. Here you have an EXAMPLE of a time-line:

As you do not know all the important dates in Albert Einstein's life, you can check them in the following website:

You have to do the time-line in your notebooks, and, when finished, send me a picture of it.

For the second activity, you need this template:

You have to fill in the template with Albert Einstein's information. You can use the information from the book, the video and the website. You can also use your own time-lines to look for information. If you do not have a printer, you can copy the template in your notebook. When you finish, please, send me a picture of your work.

Now I want to make you a proposal. Would you like to film a video for your infant education peers? We could tell them a fairy tale! Each of you could read a little part, and maybe colour a small puppet.  It would not be a lot of work. If you want to do it, let me know in your e-mail (the one with the homework) and I will organise the parts.

Ahora me gustaría haceros una propuesta. ¿Os gustaría grabar un vídeo para vuestros compañeros de educación infantil? ¡Podríamos contarles un cuento! Cada uno de vosotros podría leer un trocito del cuento y puede que colorear una pequeña marioneta. En cualquier caso, no sería mucho trabajo. Si quieres hacerlo, dímelo en el mail de hoy (en el mismo que me envíes las tareas) y organizare las partes del cuento.

That's all for today! 

Have a nice day!

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