domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

Lunes 04/05/2020 LITERACY 6º

Good morning everyone...

And happy Star Wars day!

Today it is celebrated all around the world the star wars day. Do you want to know a little bit more about this festivity? Let's start with the movies. Do not worry if you have not watched the movies. You are going to watch a video that summarises in two minutes episodes 4, 5 and 6 of the saga:

And now, since we are following the chronological order of the movies, we have the summary of the episodes 1, 2 and 3:

Now that you know a little bit more about the films, we are going to see why the Star Wars day is celebrated today and how it is celebrated:

After watching this last video, you are now a Star Wars expert! Show how much you have learnt in this quizz:

Did you complete the quizz without mistakes? Congratulations!

Now it is time for some crafts: 

Do not worry about it, here you have the steps you have to follow for doing it:

1. Print the page with the words on top and bottom in a coloured paper. You can use a white paper if you do not have a coloured one. You can write the words by yourself instead of printing them if you want to. 

2. Print the page with the Darth Vader siluete, the one that says "my favourite character..." and has some lines. Write in those lines about your favourite character (you can watch the lego videos again). When you finish, cut it and paste it in the middle of the other page (the one from step 1).

3. Use the other two pages to decorate a Darth Vader siluete. Cut it and paste it over the other siluete (the one from step 2) in a way in which you can lift it to see what is below.

Still have doubts? Do not worry! Here you have the examples!!

When you finish, please send me a picture of your craft. I am sure they will be great!

To finish today's work, you are going to follow the steps to draw a star wars character (please, send me your pictures!). You can choose between one of the oldest and one of the newest: R2D2 and Baby Yoda. Here you have the steps to draw them:

That's all for today! Have a nice day and...

May the 4th be with you!

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