domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

Lunes 15/06/2020 LITERACY 6º

Good morning 6th grade!

How are you doing? Did you have a good weekend?

I guess you might be very happy because THIS IS THE LAST WEEK of the school year!

This last week we are going to work on a important issue: bullying. 

We are going to start by watching some people who have experienced bullying talk about their experience:

Now, let's see if you understood the whole video properly by completing the activities below it. They are highlighted in purple, one deals with reordering and the other one with gap filling.

Finally, I want you to put yourselves in the skin of other people. I am going to propose you four different situations. You have to select one of them and write how would you act in that situation. Remember, there are 4 situations but you just have to pick 1 of them.

That's all for today!

Have the nicest of all Mondays!

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